Saturday, March 10, 2018

Letter to Jurors by Shawn McMillian

Sad that one has to write such a letter.

But does confirm that the Agency will go to any means to overturn a decision.
Of course, the agency doesn't worry since the monies to do so are from "We the People" This fact alone should make the populous angry.. but the propaganda of the agency tugs at our hearts to save just one child.


Below is a copy of the open letter we will give to the jury this a.m (11/04/2016).Original Link (Join Group):

 We anticipate that the Defendants will appeal your verdict. In the next few days you may be approached by agents of the government – private investigators. They will want to interview you and take your sworn statement about what happened during your deliberations. They wish to overturn your verdict and discard the results of your hard work. You are free to speak with anyone from either side about your verdict – but you are not obligated to do so. Before speaking to anyone or signing anything, we ask that you consider the magnitude of what it is they are asking you to do.
Dear Juror:
The task you had thrust upon you was important for more reasons than you might imagine. We are taught that our government is comprised of a system of checks and balances; that its three branches, the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary, act as a counter balance created to avoid the predictable accumulation of power in a centralized government. But the drafters of the Constitution also recognized that this system has flaws. Over time, the natural tendency of any government is to oppress its people. To address their fear and distrust of power, they created a fourth check in the system of checks and balances. This fourth check is rarely spoken of. Its you. The jury. The conscience of the community.

At the founding of this country, the people had only recently thrown off the despotic yoke of an oppressive and corrupt government. They had a healthy distrust of government structures. But, they had a tremendous faith in the people who had fought and died to gain their liberty. Fr this reason the right to a jury trial was enshrined in the Constitution.
Thomas Jefferson, said that “Trial by jury is the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.” And he was right. Your service and sacrifice is critical to the maintenance of a free society, and an honest government.

We ask that you notify us of any contact by the defense (or their agents) and that we be allowed either to be present for any interview you grant to the defense, or to discuss with you any telephonic or written communications you receive from the defense.
We thank you for your service.

Learn "How To Win In Court" ... without a lawyer
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
GranPa Chuck

Researcher, Editor, Publisher, Collector

Related Reading: Legal Online Self Help 

  Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available
"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", Special Ed.

 Learn More>> Click Here

How to Use Depositions

Your Deposition Power ...

When, Why, What, and How ...

Slay your opponent with depositions!
Happy DepositionBut!
Like other tools in your "Lawyer's Little Red Toolbox", depositions are best used:
  1. At the right time,
  2. For the right reason,
  3. In the right way!

  • A deposition is not a friendly coffee-klatch! 
  • It's not a "social event".
  • Beware of sneaky lawyers, who try to turn the serious fact-finding business of deposition into a friendly "conversation".
    Do not allow it.
When you see it begin, stop it immediately!

Lawyers will try to lead deposition witnesses into a false sense of safety by seeming "friendly", asking questions about Aunt Suzy's recipe for butterscotch cookies or where Uncle Bill spent his vacation last year.
This is not to get at facts but to trick the witness into "chatting", to get you and the witness off-guard so improper questions can be "popped" in while you day-dream about how many quarters you put in the parking meter outside.

"I understand you're quite a golfer, Mr. Witness."
Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-stepRed flag!
Don't be duped.
Your opponent's lawyer doesn't care a thing about the witness' golfing.
He's on a fishing expedition.
He's after something else.
Click Here to Learn More!

Learn "How To Win In Court" ... without a lawyer
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
GranPa Chuck

Researcher, Editor, Publisher, Collector

Related Reading: Legal Online Self Help 

  Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available
"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", Special Ed.

 Learn More>> Click Here

Friday, March 9, 2018

How to Do Case Paperwork Suggestions

Want to drive your opponents nuts?
Tie them down with word-power!
Stuff your opponents in a word-box and win your case

  • Most pro se people don't understand ... so they lose, needlessly.
Many lawyers don't understand ... so they also lose, needlessly ... and take their client's money anyway!
Sentences with ONE VERB.
Sentences with ONE SUBJECT.
One subject. One verb. And only the absolutely necessary adjectives and adverbs.
If it's important to say your opponent's nose was gigantic, say so. Otherwise, leave it out!

Each sentence is a complete thought.
Mrs. Edgerton taught me that in Second Grade, and it's helped me win countless court battles.
Write case-winning paperwork.
Our "How to Win in Court" course shows how.
Click Here to Learn More!

What is the goal of legal writing?
  • Impress the judge?

  • Confuse the opponent?

  • Or, win the case?
In law, the goal is to win!

Every word, spoken in the courtroom or written on paper filed with the clerk and served on the other side, must aim toward a specific goal.Learn from Jurisdictionary step-by-step
Any words not aimed at the goal must go!

Most of what I've seen from pro se people (and quite a bit from the dozens of lawyers I had to deal with since 1987 when I first started as a licensed attorney) read more like a long-winded story.

Legal writing is NOT "story-telling"!
Every word has a purpose.
Any word that does nothing to achieve the goal (which is winning, by the way) must go.

Say what needs saying and stop!
Aim every word at your goal.
You don't need a "novelist's eye" or a "bartender's ear", like Jimmy Buffett.
You're assembling the parts of a powerful engine.
Write case-winning paperwork.
Our "How to Win in Court" course shows how.
Click Here to Learn More

Learn "How To Win In Court" ... without a lawyer
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
GranPa Chuck

Researcher, Editor, Publisher, Collector

Related Reading: Legal Online Self Help 

  Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available
"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", Special Ed.

 Learn More>> Click Here