Tuesday, May 26, 2015

FACT: Child Abuse AGENCY Prosecutors HATE to LOSE Their Case

Yet another great email from the Parental Rights Organization. The key parent is Maryanne Godboldo, who got involved with the Child Protective AGENCY back in 2011. This article states that the AGENCY is appealing this case for the Fifth time. YIPES (See article below or Original article>>http://www.parentalrights.org/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={4721CA57-AB4D-41FD-A835-17130C65524A}&DE= ).

Also, if you are a Parent, who has been faced by the AGENCY, do share your experiences>> Take the Parent Survey>> Go Now.

OR perhaps you are a Relative, who is assisting a Parent, in their time of need, and/or involved with the AGENCY>> Take the Relative/Kinship care Survey>>Go Now
Thanks for Reading Our Blog Posts,
Granpa Chuck

Help Maryanne Godboldo Strike Back!

Original email from>>>>>>>>>>>>
-- May 26, 2015
Prosecutor Kym Worthy, after losing in court four times, has filed a fifth case against Maryanne Godboldo for refusing to give her daughter Ariana dangerous psychotropic drugs. Maryanne is the Detroit mom who boldly stood up to CPS, a SWAT team, and even a tank for ten hours in 2011 to protect her child.

Due to the long-suffering efforts of Allison Folmar and four other volunteer attorneys, the charges against Maryanne were initially dismissed and Ariana returned to her home.
But the misguided county prosecutor appealed that ruling to a higher court. Again all charges were dismissed. Undaunted, Worthy appealed the decision again—not once, but twice! The same case has now been dismissed four times!

Now, after the fourth dismissal, the prosecutor is appealing once again. She is determined to put Maryanne in jail and her daughter Ariana in state custody!

Enough is enough!
This time, the Parental Rights Foundation is going to help Maryanne fight back, but we must have your support to do it.

For lack of funds, Maryanne’s legal team is down to Allison Folmar, who continues to provide pro bono services. Not only is Allison fighting the county prosecutor again and again, but she has filed a counter-suit against the child protective services (CPS) worker and the judge who ordered Ariana’s removal. This counter-suit can bring costly consequences to those who have wronged Maryanne, sending a strong message to all government workers who remove children from their families without proper cause.

We applaud Allison’s heroic efforts, and we want to help in a practical way. The Parental Rights Foundation doesn’t have attorneys on staff, but it’s important that we financially support efforts like Allison’s to fight against government abuse of parental rights.

Right now, there are several other cases like Maryanne’s that we need to investigate and help as best we can, too. As the Foundation takes on these critical roles, it’s important that we have the resources to do it.

Please make a generous tax-deductible donation today! Your gift will enable the Foundation to help Maryanne right now, and to investigate several other urgent stories that have appeared on our radar.

Prosecutor Worthy is now on her fourth appeal—her fifth attempt to bring this mom down—and a trial date is pending. But Maryanne won’t give up, and we can’t quit on her, either.

We can only do this with your generous support, so please let me hear from you today.
Jim Bentley
Executive Director
  • The Parental Rights Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.


National Coordinator of the Family Survey Program

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Victories, Setbacks, and Jenna Elfman: News from Parental Rights Ogranization

May 2015

Victory in Idaho

This year Idaho passed a new statute defending the fundamental right of parents to make decisions for their children.

North Carolina
  is well on its way to following suit. Eight other states already offer similar protections in state law.

Setback in Missouri

Sadly, similar legislation went down to defeat in Missouri last week, a victim of the partisan politics that cripples so much of our system.

HB 557 had passed the House with a veto-proof majority and had the support to see the same level of success in the Missouri Senate. Unfortunately, a Republican victory on a completely unrelated issue led the Democrats to filibuster and vow to block every other bill – including the bill to protect parental rights.

The Battle Continues in CA: Parental Rights VS Vaccinations

Meanwhile, a different kind of parental rights battle rages in California, with several other states poised to become similar battle grounds within the next year. The new aim: to remove any religious or philosophical exemption from mandatory vaccination requirements.

Unfortunately, “vaccine” has become such a hot-button word that it is often difficult to get past it to the real issue: whether parents or the state know what is best for a child.

In California, SB 277 threatens to remove from parents any right to exempt their child from state vaccination requirements or even to adjust the vaccine schedule to one they feel better meets their child’s needs. This means that parents opposed to vaccines or who have concerns for their child will have to choose between violating their conscience on the issue or forgoing public or even private schools for their child.

Many of you who home school may be tempted to wonder, “What’s the big deal?” But many others believe that public schools are the best – or even the only – education available for their child. Should anyone have to choose between their child’s best education and their child’s best health just because the state has decided they can’t have both?
Of course not.

Last week, actress Jenna Elfman weighed in on the issue, and I have to tell you – she really gets it. I don’t know that I would agree with her on a lot of her politics. Frankly, I don’t know a lot about her politics. But she certainly understands parental rights.

You can see the video here at Breitbart news. That’s a right-leaning site and the video quality is not terrific. But her comments are spot on. (We’ve also made a transcript available here.)
“‘To vaccinate or not to vaccinate’ is actually not the question,” she says.
“It’s a parental rights question that shouldn’t be a question.”

“I vaccinate my child, my children,” the actress known for her role as the ultra-hippy Dharma in t.v.’s Dharma and Greg (1997-2002) adds, “and I am against this bill…. It’s parental rights.”

When asked if this should be viewed as a Democrat or Republican issue, Elfman comes up with another sound-bite nugget:

“I think there’s Republican parents that would like rights to their children, there’s Democrat parents that want rights to their children. There’s Libertarian. I mean, it’s parents. We’re human beings. This is a human right – to raise your children the way you see fit.”

Action Items

Throughout the Mega-Month of May we are working to expand our reach by adding your friends and family to the email network. If you haven’t yet, please forward the email we sent you Thursday to 5 people from your contacts list. Or if you know someone who’s a fan of Jenna Elfman, maybe you can share this video with them and ask them to join the network to protect parental rights.

You might also consider ways you could volunteer with ParentalRights.org, whether you want to put together a fundraiser, you’d be willing to host a table at a local conference, or you want to launch a “petition drive” to get your community signed up with us. Whatever your interests and potential participation level, we’d love to hear from you through the volunteer form here.

And if you live in California, please contact your Assemblyman right away and urge them to oppose SB 277. You can read our official letter to the legislature about the bill here.
The statist attacks just keep coming, but we are still gaining ground. And as celebrity voices join with the rest of us, perhaps soon parental rights will draw the public and media attention the issue deserves. Thank you for persevering with us until then!
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research

A Special Note from Missouri

Missouri Champion of Parental Rights:
Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and calls regarding HB 557, the parental rights bill in Missouri. The 2015 legislative session ended here on Friday. While we did not see our legislation pass this session, we did make significant progress in building relationships and laying the groundwork for the 2016 session. The support we raised in both the House and Senate was incredible, and your voices had a lot to do with that.
Jill Johnson
Missouri State Coordinator

Saturday, May 9, 2015

In 1923 Parents had RIGHTS. What Happened?

In 1923,
the Supreme Court pronounced parental rights worthy of protection under the 14th Amendment in Meyer v. Nebraska. The Court has recognized that parents have a “fundamental and protected liberty interest” in the government not intruding into their families and that fit parents are deemed to make decisions in the best interest of their child.

In 2000,

Troxel v. Granville changed the court's position. No majority of Supreme Court justices agreed that parental rights deserved “strict scrutiny” protection. The plurality decision in Troxel held that the court must merely grant “some special weight to” a fit parent’s decisions for their child. “Special weight?” That is a far cry from “strict scrutiny.” http://ow.ly/i/2Q4OL

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Rethinking Foster Care:
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  • National Coordinator of the Family Survey Program
    When One Deals with the Child Protective AGENCY