Monday, June 8, 2020

A Fight to be HEARD

Dear Friends …
You need to be HEARD!
  • I want you to be heard.
  • I want you to be heard loud and clear … and get results quickly!
  • I want your voice to be heard and acted upon immediately!
  • I don’t want you to wait for Congress or your state legislature or city hall to act on your behalf.
  • I want you to act on your own behalf and get results quickly!
So, hear this!
You don’t need a lawyer to be heard in court.
You don’t need a lawyer to force judges to act on your behalf.
The founders of our nation never intended you to need a lawyer, and their plan for your  enjoying peace and prosperity in this nation of laws included your free access to the courts!

Lawyers don’t want you to know this.
Lawyers want you to buy them things!
However, dear friends, our courts belong to US.
Out courts do NOT belong to lawyers who have hidden this truth from you too long already!

It’s time for change!
The media and the legal profession want you to believe the only power you have is your vote or ability to gather in the streets carrying signs.

There is another way … a way that works everytime!
Please listen to me!
The battlefield of the people is in the courts … and you don’t need a lawyer to make your arguments heard and acted upon!
You just need Jurisdictionary®.
Everyone needs to know this!
No Lawyer? No Problem>> Click Here
Stop people from thinking the only power they have is in the streets or in the polling booth.
Whether angry about police brutality, disgusted with corporate overreaching or just sick and tired of being pushed around, you have power in the courts!
You want to be heard.
I want you to be heard.
The founders of our nation intended for you to be heard. Each and every one of you. They gave you a vote, and they gave you something far more powerful. 


Join the Justice Movement.
You don’t need a lawyer.

Kick the lawyers out!
Use the power of the courts!
Share this with others!


Friday, June 5, 2020

Preparing for Court

How to Win in Court ... step-by-step
Most cases can be won before trial.~ IF YOU PREPARE PROPERLY!
Whether you're training for the Olympics or fighting for justice in court, winners know they must prepare to be ready for the competition.

Preparing for Court

This course shows you HOW to prepare:
· Proper pleadings that define your position..
· Discover tools that put evidence in the record.
· Motions that force the court to act.
· Objections that prepare for possible appeal.
· Memoranda that tell why you should win.
· ... and much, much more!
Be prepared!
With proper preparation and this powerful course, you should be able to win before trial.
The "How to Win in Court" course makes it easy with sample forms and simplified step-by-step explanations.
Learn more about the burden of proof and "How to Win in Court" ... without a lawyer!


  Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.

(Best Reference in Plain English to set up your Law Book)

May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,

 GranPa Chuck

  "We the "Little" People"

    Defend Yourself  

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Conviction 1st Degree Murder in Minnesota

To get a lawful conviction for 1st Degree Murder in Minnesota, the prosecutor must prove beyond any reasonable doubt the accused had a well-formed plan to kill the victim BEFORE THE EVENT.
This is extremely hard to prove in any case where the accused caused the death of another, 
because it requires "admissible evidence" that proves beyond any reasonable doubt what was going on inside the accused's mind BEFORE THE EVENT. To prove what was going on inside anyone's mind is not a simple task, and it is extremely difficult to prove in court.
Please tell everyone you meet why that charge in Minnesota would likely result in acquittal ... not because the court is biased but because that is what the law requires.
If 1st Degree is charged and results in acquittal, justice will NOT be served, the police officer will go free, and the rioting and destruction of the property of innocent people will resume.
The 3rd Degree Murder charge in this case will undoubtedly result in a quick conviction and immediate incarceration of the police officer, whereas a 1st Degree Murder charge will not.
Angry people demanding 1st Degree need to be told the truth SO THEY WILL NOT CONTINUE TO DESTROY THE PROPERTY OF INNOCENT PEOPLE.
Please help me promote peace with Public Legal Education. I cannot do this by myself alone. i need you and many others to promote the legal education I've been working hard to provide for you and others these past 23 years.
Learn more about the burden of proof and "How to Win in Court" ... without a lawyer!

  Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.

 Learn More>> Click Here
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
 GranPa Chuck
    Defend Yourself 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Judicial Notice Motions

Why struggle to prove obvious facts?
Every court (state or federal) has an easy way to prove obvious facts.
It's called "Judicial Notice".
It's easy to do!

Do it whenever you can.

Make your opponents' legal bullets bounce harmlessly off your educated chest by moving the court to take judicial notice of obvious facts.

Don't spend valuable time trying to prove what the court must admit when you move it to do so.

Once the court takes judicial notice of a fact, the court's order settles the issue for all purposes.
This "How to Win in Court" course makes it easy to learn how with sample forms and simplified step-by-step explanations.
Learn more about the burden of proof and "How to Win in Court" ... without a lawyer!
  Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.

 Learn More>> Click Here
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
 GranPa Chuck

Monday, May 4, 2020

Your Deposition Power the Court Arena

Getting your Truth on the Record Is VITAL

Know When, Why, What, and How ...

Slay your opponent with depositions!
Like other tools in your "Lawyer's Little Red Toolbox", depositions are best used:
  1. At the right time,
  2. For the right reason,
  3. In the right way!
A deposition is not a friendly coffee-klatch!
It's not a "social event".
Beware of sneaky lawyers, who'll try to turn the serious fact-finding business of deposition into a friendly "conversation".
Do not allow it.
When you see it coming, stop it immediately!

  • Depositions are designed so you can go after facts, any facts, that might lead to the discovery of "admissible evidence". The rules are fairly loose. You can ask questions and get answers that you could not get later at trial, where the rules of evidence are more strictly enforced.

But, some lawyers try to lull deposition witnesses into a false sense of security by being "friendly", asking questions about Aunt Suzy's recipe for butterscotch cookies or where Uncle Bill spent his vacation last year. This is done not to get at relevant facts but to trick the witness into "chatting", getting you and the witness off-guard so improper questions can be "popped" while you day-dream about how many quarters you put in the parking meter outside.

"I understand you're quite a golfer, Mr. Witness."
Red flag!

The lawyer is setting things up to go beyond the scope of allowable questioning. The next thing you know, the witness will complain about the exorbitant country club dues he pays. Or, he may brag about his success on the links in Las Vegas last summer. Answers that may give your opponent power to defeat you!
  • Don't be duped.
  • Your opponent's lawyer doesn't care a thing about the witness' golfing.
  • He's on a fishing expedition.
  • He's after something else.
Here's the rule that constrains depositions to facts (explained fully in the official Jurisdictionary

The scope of discovery (requests for admissions, requests for production, interrogatories, depositions, and subpoenas) is limited by the rules to finding facts that are "reasonably calculated to lead to discovery of admissible evidence!

A golfer's handicap has nothing to do with his mortgage or child support or where he was last summer!
"Objection! Goes beyond the scope of discovery!"

If the other side continues to abuse the rule, you have the right to terminate the deposition and file a motion with the court for an order directing the lawyer to keep within the rule.

  • On one occasion in my 25 years as a case-winning attorney, the lawyer on the other side was so devious and his insurance company client so evasive, I forced the judge to appoint a special master to sit in on the depositions and rule on my objections then-and-there. I got the evidence I wanted out of that evasive executive, and the insurance company settled with my client the day before trial!
  • In another case the opposing lawyer was so ridiculous, I required the judge to order the lawyer to bring his client to the courtroom and answer questions under oath in front of the judge. That was the end of his sneaky tricks.

There's much more you need to know to successfully use depositions in your case. It's all in the course.
If you don't already have the official Jurisdictionary course, now's the time to Order
and start learning before you end up kicking yourself!

You will learn
  1. When (waiting until you know more about the case),
  2. Why (getting witnesses under oath before trial),
  3. What (knowing which facts you need to get)
  4. How (handling the deposition with tact and tactics)
Know how to use the rules!
Far too many good people lose in court because they don't know how to control the lawyer on the other side or the black-robed judge on the bench. They may have the "law on their side", but they will lose if they don't know how to control a deposition (for example) or when to proceed to deposition or how to draft a proper motion or why it's important to make courtroom objections, etc.
Is winning your case worth $249?
My law school education cost me tens of thousands and three years of diligent study.
The practical experience I gained defeating crooked lawyers and controlling corrupt judges for 25-years is priceless!
My education and experience can be yours!
Another Document vital to your library, now available as a download for $10.50
Don't be fooled by the value of this document. It is in plain English based on a Family Advocate with over a decade of experience dealing with and supporting those defending themselves. Parents, Lawyers, and even judges have praised the information found in this document.

Although, this information was inspired by those in Administrative Hearings, it has information valuable to all no matter what court Family, Juvenile, and/or Criminal Court.
  • Do you know the importance of Documentation?
  • Do you know the basics of our Legal System?
  • Do you know the importance and how to set up your Law Book?
  • Do you realize issues against you is based on proving "You are the Worst Person in the World?" However, too many times, based on little proof. Your defense is to get on the record that you were actually doing the right thing, based on documentation and using the statutes for your state. Actually too many times, it has been found that the only "Bad" person was those in the agency itself since they were Not Following the statutes they are bound to.
It is vital whether you seek the assistance of a lawyer or not to know the statutes for your state particular to your state. Don't wait for others to assist you, in your time of need. You must take the offensive and become an advocate for yourself to protect your family.
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
 GranPa Chuck

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Burden of Proof is not a Social Media Opinion..

Opinions on Social Media is not LEGAL PROOF. Even experienced lawyers fail to force their opponents to meet the Burden of Proof.

It's like making your enemies "pay up", to prove what they say!You never have to prove you don't owe!

Nor are you required to prove your dog didn't bite your neighbor, or your driving didn't cause the accident.

Everyone demanding any right in court has a burden to prove they're entitled to have the court enforce the right!

If they can't meet their burden, they lose and, if you're the defendant, you win!

Of course, if you're a plaintiff, it's your job to meet the burden of proof to show you deserve the court's favor.

Knowing how the burden works (there's quite a bit more to it than I can explain in this short newsletter) gives you power to win instead of being just another victim!

  • The burden is always on the party making claims.
  • The burden is never on defenders - unless the burden shifts once the claimant meets his burden of proof.
  • In civil cases, the burden is met by presenting the greater weight of admissible evidence (sometimes called the "preponderance of evidence") in support of the fact elements necessary to prevail on at least one "cause of action" (explained in the course and essential knowledge, if you want to win).
  • In criminal cases, the state's burden is met only by presenting evidence that proves the fact elements of the crimes alleged beyond and to the exclusion of any reasonable doubt.
The burden of proof is always on the party asserting a claim, making a motion, demanding a right, etc.
Before a court can lawfully grant relief of any kind, the party seeking relief must carry his burden to prove he's entitled to relief ... whether the case is civil or criminal.

Some may say, "It's just your word against his."
That's never true in court.
One side always has the burden.
Just like in a tennis match, the ball is always on one side of the net!

The burden of proof may shift back and forth during a complicated lawsuit, depending on who claims what and when, however the burden is always on the side seeking relief at any particular moment, the party making a claim, the litigant moving the court, the claimant alleging a fact, etc.
Lawyers will try to put you "on the defensive".
Lawyers will try to trick you into struggling to prove a negative, e.g., that you didn't do something or that something did not happen. Don't get sucked in!

People who don't have the official Jurisdictionary "How to Win in Court" course go out of their way to show they were out of town that day or confined to a wheelchair or otherwise struggle to dis-prove something that is entirely the burden of the other side to prove.
This is what crooked lawyers do.
If a defendant ignorantly tries to dis-prove what his opponent has the burden to prove, his opponent is spared the labor of proving his case! The waters are muddied. The real issues get lost. The judge gets sidetracked. And YOU come out on the short end of the stick every time!

Smart people who use the official Jurisdictionary "How to Win in Court" course know how to move the court to take judicial notice that "the burden is on the moving party to prove whatever he claims" and, if the other side cannot prove what he claims, Jurisdictionary students know how to move the court for summary judgment and put an end to their troubles then-and-there!
Put the ball in the court where it belongs!
Learn more about the burden of proof and "How to Win in Court" ... without a lawyer!
  Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.

 Learn More>> Click Here
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
 GranPa Chuck

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

How to Make Offers of Proof

    If you start to offer evidence, the other side objects, and the judge sustains your opponent's objection, you must move the court to allow you to make clear on the record what your evidence was going to be and what it would tend to prove!

    This is making an offer of proof.

    Expect your opponent to try to stop you.
    Make an offer of proof immediately!
    Offers of proof show the court on the record:
    • What the offered evidence is and
    • What the evidence tends to prove
    Failure to get evidence admitted is fatal!

    If you don't get your evidence admitted and don't make an offer of proof, you'll have nothing to appeal if you lose!
    You can't introduce evidence for the first time on appeal.
    This "How to Win in Court" course makes it easy to learn how with sample forms and simplified step-by-step explanations.
    • Developed by a Case-winning lawyer 28 years.
    • Will show you how to win in court - any case!
    • Online course is quick & easy step-by-step.
    • Got a lawyer?   Get what you're paying for!
    • No lawyer?   No problem!
    • The #1 Online Law Course ... Since 1997 

    • Case-winning power without a lawyer (pro se).
    • Lawsuit tactics, pleadings, motions, summary judgment, and more.

    Learn "How To Win In Court" ... without a lawyer
    May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
    GranPa Chuck

    Researcher, Editor, Publisher, Collector

    Related Reading: Legal Online Self Help 

      Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available
    "Standing in the Shadow of the Law", Special Ed.

     Learn More>> Click Here

    Friday, March 6, 2020

    On-Line Legal Research

    Ignorance of the Law is NO EXCUSE!
    ( email from Author of"How to Win" Step-by-Step Self-Help Course )

    • If "ignorance of the law is no excuse" then knowing how to find official law that will decide the outcome of your case is critical to winning!

       Fortunately, the "law of your case" is much simpler than you might imagine and easy to find! Most cases are won or lost on very few "laws", perhaps a single statute and 3-4 appellate court decisions interpreting how that statute applies to the facts.

      If you had to go to court 30 years ago, before personal computers and the internet, you'd have to dig through the dismally dry and boring stacks of thousands of look-alike books in a law library (if you could find one nearby). Back then, winning a lawsuit required litigants to spend hour-upon-hour turning dusty pages, pulling down piles of books to spread on the library table next to their yellow pad in what was often a fruitless search for the legal support their arguments needed.

      All that has changed, thanks to the internet and competition between legal research sites that is driving the price down to a reasonable level where pretty much anyone who needs to do on-line legal research can afford it.
    • But, will you know how?
      My course materials on legal research include videos showing actual screen-shots of on-line searches so an average 8th grader with reasonable computer skills will be able to find constitutional provisions, statutes, code, and appellate court opinions to support pretty much any legal argument you can think of.
      These days it's sooo easy to do legal research on-line ... an average 8th grader can do it!
      Instead of digging through thousands of books differing only by the numbers printed on their impressively formidable spines, you can log-on any of the growing number of competent legal databases and, with the flick of a few keyboard fingers find thousands of cases that deal with the issues of your case in seconds!

      Google® can get you started ... for free!
      But, don't rely on Google® as the final authority. Google® will provide a good start in most cases, but before you go to court to argue how the appellate opinion you found is the final say-so, you need to dig deeper.

      My affordable, official, 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary "How to Win in Court" self-help course explains legal research with examples you can try out for yourself. Once you finish the course you'll know how to find appellate decisions that favor your cause ... and you'll know how to cite them to the court in proper format. You’ll know how to tell the judge why you should win by citing authorities the judge is required by law to obey: court rules, cases, constitutional provisions, statutes and codes.

      Clever argument is not enough.
      You cannot win without finding and citing the legal authorities that control judges.
      Those who don’t know how to find and cite legal authority cannot control judges nor win on appeal so they lose  needlessly!

       In the heat of your lawsuit battles, you can be certain the other side will cite legal authorities favoring his case.

      It's essential to winning!
      You must do the same thing … if you want to win.
      Related Reading: Legal Online Self Help 
        Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.

       Learn More>> Click Here
      May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
       GranPa Chuck