Monday, June 8, 2020

A Fight to be HEARD

Dear Friends …
You need to be HEARD!
  • I want you to be heard.
  • I want you to be heard loud and clear … and get results quickly!
  • I want your voice to be heard and acted upon immediately!
  • I don’t want you to wait for Congress or your state legislature or city hall to act on your behalf.
  • I want you to act on your own behalf and get results quickly!
So, hear this!
You don’t need a lawyer to be heard in court.
You don’t need a lawyer to force judges to act on your behalf.
The founders of our nation never intended you to need a lawyer, and their plan for your  enjoying peace and prosperity in this nation of laws included your free access to the courts!

Lawyers don’t want you to know this.
Lawyers want you to buy them things!
However, dear friends, our courts belong to US.
Out courts do NOT belong to lawyers who have hidden this truth from you too long already!

It’s time for change!
The media and the legal profession want you to believe the only power you have is your vote or ability to gather in the streets carrying signs.

There is another way … a way that works everytime!
Please listen to me!
The battlefield of the people is in the courts … and you don’t need a lawyer to make your arguments heard and acted upon!
You just need Jurisdictionary®.
Everyone needs to know this!
No Lawyer? No Problem>> Click Here
Stop people from thinking the only power they have is in the streets or in the polling booth.
Whether angry about police brutality, disgusted with corporate overreaching or just sick and tired of being pushed around, you have power in the courts!
You want to be heard.
I want you to be heard.
The founders of our nation intended for you to be heard. Each and every one of you. They gave you a vote, and they gave you something far more powerful. 


Join the Justice Movement.
You don’t need a lawyer.

Kick the lawyers out!
Use the power of the courts!
Share this with others!


Friday, June 5, 2020

Preparing for Court

How to Win in Court ... step-by-step
Most cases can be won before trial.~ IF YOU PREPARE PROPERLY!
Whether you're training for the Olympics or fighting for justice in court, winners know they must prepare to be ready for the competition.

Preparing for Court

This course shows you HOW to prepare:
· Proper pleadings that define your position..
· Discover tools that put evidence in the record.
· Motions that force the court to act.
· Objections that prepare for possible appeal.
· Memoranda that tell why you should win.
· ... and much, much more!
Be prepared!
With proper preparation and this powerful course, you should be able to win before trial.
The "How to Win in Court" course makes it easy with sample forms and simplified step-by-step explanations.
Learn more about the burden of proof and "How to Win in Court" ... without a lawyer!


  Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.

(Best Reference in Plain English to set up your Law Book)

May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,

 GranPa Chuck

  "We the "Little" People"

    Defend Yourself