Friday, May 18, 2012

You Can Control Judges

You must learn how to force the judge to see that the appellate courts that can reverse his decisions will reverse his decisions on appeal if he doesn't rule in your favor.

Below is one of the many emails received from Jurisdictionary .

Ignorance of the Law is NO EXCUSE!

( email from Author of"How to Win" Step-by-Step Self-Help Course )

You dare not hope to win until you learn what this Tips & Tactics newsletter teaches about controlling trial level judges.

Otherwise, the judge will rule as he pleases, confident you don't know how to get his decisions reversed on appeal. you follow the step-by-step Jurisdictionary method and force the judge to see he will be reversed on appeal if he doesn't rule in your favor, justice will be whatever the judge wants it to be.
Your objective is always to: force the judge to see that the appellate courts that can reverse his decisions will reverse his decisions on appeal if he doesn't rule in your favor.
  • Losers miss this point ... and lose!
  • Trial judges are not legal authority!
  • Appellate courts are!
The U.S. Constitution is not controlling law. What appellate courts say the U.S. Constitution means is controlling law.
Statutes are not controlling law. What appellate courts say statutes mean is controlling law.
Only controlling law controls judges.

Appellate court opinions are the legal authority that controls trial level judges!

You may disagree with this. Many do and lose needlessly. I want you to win, but truth is unaffected by what you believe. Only truth is true. Nothing else is. Appellate court opinions are controlling law in this nation and every nation that follows our English system of justice.

Trial judges fear being reversed on appeal. That's what keeps them straight. That's why it's essential to learn how to force the judge in your case to see that the appellate courts that can reverse his decisions will reverse his decisions on appeal if he doesn't rule in your favor.

No trial judge wants an appellate court to publish an official written opinion telling the world he was wrong!

Knowing how to control judges is the secret to winning and is explained step-by-step in my popular 24-hour self-help Jurisdictionary course.
What you believe is controlling law means nothing.
Don't believe me?
Ok. Tell a judge your personal opinions about the law and how he should apply it and rule in your favor. See how far it gets you!

The only opinions that count in court are the published opinions of appellate court justices who stand in judgment of trial level judges and have power to reverse lower court decisions.

This nation (and all others that follow our English justice system) is run by lawyers who sit as justices on appellate courts! The buck stops in court, not at the Whitehouse, Congress, or state legislature. If you believe otherwise, you are mistaken.

Your legal opinions (no matter how clever or persuasive and no matter how many tens of thousands agree with you in emails or on the internet) count for nothing in court.
Controlling judges is what wins lawsuits, and judges are controlled only by appellate court opinions!
Order the case-winning step-by-step Jurisdictionary self-help course now, if you don't already have it, and learn how to control judges ... or lose!

Another Great Site: Legal Online Self Help 
  Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available
"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.

 Learn More>> Click Here
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
 GranPa Chuck

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