29, 2010. From the
Associated Press: State
investigators say the
husband of former state
Senator Nancy
Schaefer shot his
wife before ...
Feb 29, 2008 ...
Note from the Fight
CPS webmaster: This
is a very important
report written by
a Senator in Georgia.
Please read the entire
report, download the
Nancy Schaefer
who Exposed the Child
Protection Services (CPS)
found Shot Dead with Her
Husband 2010 03 30.
Picked up from: ...
the Adoption and Safe
Families Act. It offers
financial incentives to
the states that increase
adoption numbers. To
receive the adoption
incentives, or bonuses,
Mar 30, 2010 ...
Authorities believe
Nancy Schaefer was
asleep when she was
shot. The media claims
that this was a
Murder-Suicide pact.
Senator Schaefer ...
Apr 2, 2010 ...
The Georgia Bureau of
Investigation is
reporting that former
Georgia Senator Nancy
Schaeferand her
husband Bruce Schaefer
were found ...
Mar 29, 2010 ...
From the Associated
Press : State
investigators say the
husband of former state
SenatorNancy Schaefer
shot his wife before
turning the gun on
Mar 13, 2009 ...
By Sandra Ami Nancy
Schaefer is trying
to bring to the
attention the corruption
of Social Services,
Child Protective
Services. She
discusses how ...
Jun 7, 2011 ...
Sponsored Results
Garland Favorito
March 30, 2010. On Friday,
former Senator Nancy
Schaefer and her husband
were found dead in their
home in Habersham ...
Mar 26, 2010 ...
Former GA Senator Nancy
Schaefer found dead!
MyFOX ATLANTA) - The bodies of
former state senator
Nancy ...
Words cannot express
how distressed I am to hear that our dear Senator Nancy
Schaefer has died in what is being called a
murder-suicide, along
with her husband.
Nancy was the first state senator to speak out forcefully, truthfully about the corruption of Child Protective Services. For this reason some have surmised that this murder-suicide could actually be a cover-up for something more sinister… a silencing!
Regardless of how she died, she will be remembered for many years to come as a brave, honest, ethical and truth-telling woman who stood up to the child welfare industry and voiced the pain and trauma of those who had approached her for help with their Georgia CPS cases.
Write heartfelt letters to every county supervisor in your county. Shorter letters are better, as they’re more likely to be read. Ask them to investigate and *cut funding for CPS* in your county. Send your letters to every supervisor along with a copy of Senator Schaefer’s report, pages one through seven.(Download pdf file)
Now send letters to every state senator, congressman, and legislator in your state! Remind them that federal child welfare laws are a violation of the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution and request State Sovereignty <>. Send them the first seven pages of Senator Schaefer’s report!(Download pdf file)
with her husband.
Nancy was the first state senator to speak out forcefully, truthfully about the corruption of Child Protective Services. For this reason some have surmised that this murder-suicide could actually be a cover-up for something more sinister… a silencing!
Regardless of how she died, she will be remembered for many years to come as a brave, honest, ethical and truth-telling woman who stood up to the child welfare industry and voiced the pain and trauma of those who had approached her for help with their Georgia CPS cases.
Write heartfelt letters to every county supervisor in your county. Shorter letters are better, as they’re more likely to be read. Ask them to investigate and *cut funding for CPS* in your county. Send your letters to every supervisor along with a copy of Senator Schaefer’s report, pages one through seven.(Download pdf file)
Now send letters to every state senator, congressman, and legislator in your state! Remind them that federal child welfare laws are a violation of the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution and request State Sovereignty <>. Send them the first seven pages of Senator Schaefer’s report!(Download pdf file)
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When allegedly accused of Child Abuse or Neglect
While Watching ~ Take the Parent Survey
When allegedly accused of Child Abuse or Neglect
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"One Small Voice",
Proud National
Coordinator of the Family Survey Program
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