Below is one of the many emails received from Jurisdictionary . This particular email is give a diagram of "How to Prove your Winning Case". Keep in mind a fact offered to the court must be:
- relevant,
- reliable,
- competent,
- not privileged, and
- in compliance with other rules, etc.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
How to Prove Your Winning Case!
( From "How to Win" Step-by-Step Self-Help Course )
Another Helpful Document "
Standing in the Shadow of Law"

now available.
Most people mistakenly "assume" they know what it takes to win ... and lose!
After all, if the facts and law are on your side you should win!
But, that's not how our courts work!
Facts and Law are not enough!
You must PROVE your case using the Rules of Evidence and Rules of Procedure ... and if you don't know these rules and how to use them tactically and strategically you don't have a chance!

In an "adversarial system" like ours, both sides compete to see which can pile the most "admissible evidence" into the court's official record. The one who gets the most "admissible evidence" into the record wins the case.
Note: "Admissible evidence" is not merely "Facts".
A fact may be an undeniably certain fact, yet not be "admissible evidence"!To be "admissible evidence", a fact offered to the court must be:
- relevant,
- reliable,
- competent,
- not privileged, and
- in compliance with other rules, etc.
PROOF is in the PROVING!
Proving can only be done by "admissible evidence".Too many good people refuse to learn the rules, so they lose!
People have been using Jurisdictionary since 1997 to win in court. They learn the rules of court and how to use the rules tactically and strategically to win in
OR, even better
Related Information Now Available
"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.<
"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.<
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,

Defend Yourself

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