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December 3, 2012
High Noon Showdown
final vote on whether or not to ratify the Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities is scheduled for noon on Tuesday, December 4. Whether
our nation will continue to preserve the principles of parental rights
and American self-government, or whether we will jettison these in a
“symbolic gesture” of support for disabled persons around the world will
be decided at that time.We are optimistic that we will have the votes – 34 or more – to defeat the treaty. But there is too much at stake to trust to speculation.
So please remember to call your senators today, and then call them again tomorrow morning (before noon).
You can ask for their office through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 or find their number by clicking on your state at http://parentalrights.org/
Here are a few things you might mention in your own words:
“I would urge the Senator to oppose giving consent to ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This treaty would surrender the rights of parents whose children are disabled, by establishing the ‘best interests of the child’ legal standard. We already have excellent American-made law to protect persons with disabilities, and the world is already NOT following our example. It would be foolish to adopt a vehicle of international law in hopes that they will suddenly change their minds. This treaty also redefines entitlements as ‘economic, social, and cultural rights,’ which would have a tremendous impact on a host of domestic law issues.
Protect parental rights and American self-government, and reject this giant step toward socialism and government control of our families. Vote NO on the CRPD.”
We will be watching and listening very closely, and we will alert you to the results of the vote tomorrow as quickly as we are able. We are hopeful that the news will be good – but we must all remain diligent between now and then.
Thank you for taking a moment right now and again tomorrow to call your Senators to oppose this dangerous treaty!
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
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