Just thought I would share this checklist of points to consider, in "plain English" when working with a lawyer. I am not affiliated with the group writing this article, but I am appreciative of those who are clear in their presentations.
Always ASK Why and/or
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- Questions You Want to Ask Your Lawyer
- Helping Your Lawyer
- Comments & Additional Links to Lawyers (from FightCPS.com)
- Recommendations of Lawyers in your state
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Five Ways Attorneys Waste Money
Posted on: http://practice.findlaw.com/financing-a-law-firm/five-ways-attorneys-waste-money.html?DCMP=CCX-TWLP&goback=.gde_1320117_member_199199174
Valorem Law Group
Attorney Inefficiencies that Leave Clients with High Costs
When it comes to cost, attorneys don't have a reputation of coming cheap, but how do you determine if their charges are necessary or over the top? Attorney Patrick Lamb of Valorem Law Group, a value-driven business litigation firm in Chicago, has five ways lawyers often waste client money.
1. Filing needless motions
About Valorem Law Group
Valorem Law Group is a Chicago-based business litigation firm that believes clients are entitled to budget certainty, and to a real and realized commitment in dealing with cost pressures. Valorem is comprised of skilled, courtroom BigLaw firm refugees who consider themselves revolutionaries, risk-takers and entrepreneurs at their core. The group uses technology and efficiency to guarantee value-conscious legal service. Although they may not always take themselves too seriously, the quality of the work they provide clients remains a top priority. For more information visit www.valoremlaw.com. Find them on Facebook at "Valorem Law Group."
GranPa Chuck
When it comes to cost, attorneys don't have a reputation of coming cheap, but how do you determine if their charges are necessary or over the top? Attorney Patrick Lamb of Valorem Law Group, a value-driven business litigation firm in Chicago, has five ways lawyers often waste client money.
1. Filing needless motions
- To file a motion, it has to be written and filed. There is often also some lengthy brief prepared, and then at least one, and frequently two, court appearances. All too often, these motions serve no strategic or tactical purpose. They simply do no affect the outcome of the case.
- Why send two lawyers to court, or have two or more attend depositions? Why have younger lawyers draft something that is almost entirely redrafted by a more senior one? These work process inefficiencies can be easily avoided, but attorneys aren't trained to consider process efficiencies.
- Cases turn on a very small number of facts and a very limited number of documents. There are always times where people wonder why something happened or didn't, but most of the time, its just curiosity and not something that needs to be investigated. The desire to know all that is knowable about a case is just not a necessary indulgence in today's world.
- Lawyers like to fight about process things--what order things will happen in, or where, or how many. Make a deal and move on. The fights are never worth the effort, and are always very costly.
- Lawyers don't like to appear weak, and they feel that making an overture to settle makes them look that way. That thinking is old school. Smart attorneys settle cases early, before running up a lot of costs.
About Valorem Law Group
Valorem Law Group is a Chicago-based business litigation firm that believes clients are entitled to budget certainty, and to a real and realized commitment in dealing with cost pressures. Valorem is comprised of skilled, courtroom BigLaw firm refugees who consider themselves revolutionaries, risk-takers and entrepreneurs at their core. The group uses technology and efficiency to guarantee value-conscious legal service. Although they may not always take themselves too seriously, the quality of the work they provide clients remains a top priority. For more information visit www.valoremlaw.com. Find them on Facebook at "Valorem Law Group."
Click HERE to learn "How To Win In Court" ... without a lawyer
Also, a Great Document for Your Library--Now Available
"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.
Click HERE to learn "How To Win In Court" ... without a lawyer
Also, a Great Document for Your Library--Now Available
"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,

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