Even though Western Center for Journalism is biased towards the Conservative, this is an issue that ALL should stand against no matter what our Political Preference. And shame to anyone who is in favor of it. Let's hope we can get the 34 senate votes to STOP this Ratification.
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,

Defend Yourself

Which 9 RINOs Pushed This UN Sovereignty-Stealing Treaty To The Senate Floor?

But to make matters worse, nine RINO Senators (Ayotte, Barrasso, Brown, Collins, Hatch, Lugar, McCain, Murkowski and Snowe) voted in lock-step with Barack Obama and Harry Reid, on Tuesday, to bring the deceptively titled United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Treaty to the floor of the Senate for consideration.
And a vote on ratification can happen at any moment... and we must not allow this sovereignty-stealing treaty to be ratified.
Don't let the name of this treaty deceive you. CRPD has NOTHING to do with protecting the rights of those with disabilities and EVERYTHING to do with putting your very life under the control of UN thugs and bureaucrats.
The Heritage Foundation tells us, CRPD "would subject the U.S. to untold threats against its sovereignty and invite further intrusion by UN officials into sensitive social and domestic policies."
But you can stop CRPD. A sufficient number of Republican Senators are already inclined to oppose the ratification of this sovereignty-stealing treaty and these Senators need to hear from you right now.
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CRPD Is A Ploy To Trick Us Into Voluntarily Surrendering Our Sovereignty.
CRPD is no different.
Perhaps that's why former Senator Rick Santorum, the father of a handicapped child, recently joined others in vigorously denouncing CRPD, saying it would "open a Pandora's box" that represents a "direct assault on us and our families."
But there is good news. It only takes 34 votes in the Senate to stop the ratification of a treaty, and 36 Republican Senators voted in opposition to even considering this treaty on Tuesday.
But these 36 votes against ratification ARE NOT certain... far from it.
As you read this urgent appeal, these Republican Senators are probably being pressed, behind the scenes, to change their votes.
And if we stay silent now, more betrayals will come. That's why we must act now to secure the position of those Senators who are inclined to stand with the American people.
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CRPD Is A Ploy To Trick Us Into Voluntarily Surrendering Our Sovereignty.
Put another way, if we ratify this treaty, what actually constitutes your individual civil liberties will no longer be dictated by our Constitution, but by an unelected panel of a dozen of America-haters at the United Nations.
There can be no mistake, CRPD is all about the surrender of our national sovereignty... but we're in no mood to surrender it... and we're not going to stand by a let it happen without a fight.
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And what is perhaps the ultimate irony is that this treaty, if ratified, would probably do nothing to safeguard the innate, inalienable (and yes, God-given) rights of people with disabilities.
Instead, it WOULD erode (or even eradicate) the civil liberties of your children and grandchildren; and that's why we must speak out and make our voices heard at this very moment.
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But Just How Does Safeguarding The Rights Of The Disabled Erode Our Sovereignty?
Farris is not alone. This treaty NEVER defines the term "disability." Heritage concurs: "Other language in [the CRPD] is troubling... such as its lack of a clear definition of disability, which it defines as 'an evolving concept.'"
Of course, neglecting to clearly define the term "DISABILITY" in the 50 distinct articles of the "Convention on the Rights of Persons with DISABILITIES" treaty WAS NO ACCIDENT. It's Standard United Nations Operating Procedure.
And why did the UN neglect to define the key term of the treaty... a term that is in the title of the treaty?
As Heritage put it, to permit "a treaty body composed of unelected 'experts,'" to define this "evolving concept" as they go.
The definition of what constitutes "disabilities" and "rights" will constantly change, expand and morph to include greater numbers of people, and as more "rights" are allocated to an ever-increasing numbers of people who are deemed "disabled," others will demand these newly created special "rights" as well.
Don't confuse the term "disability" with the term "physical handicap."
In UN-speak there are many kinds of disabilities; social disabilities, economic disabilities, racial disabilities, gender disabilities... the list is endless.
And as our enemies continually abuse this "evolving concept," they will impose unconstitutional and even sublimely ridiculous mandates upon you, your children and your grandchildren, under the guise of "securing the 'rights' of the 'disabled.'"
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And This Erosion Of Our Sovereignty Will Be Totally Constitutional.
If this treaty is ratified, our own cowardly politicians will tell us that we are obliged to follow the DICTATES of this body of third-world thugs and America-haters (and tyrannically enforce OUR compliance on THEIR behalf).
Article VI of our own Constitution requires compliance: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”
As for our enemies, they won't comply. All the America-haters at the United Nations will simply turn their backs, wink at each other and look at us with feigned expressions of confusion on their faces.
'What do you mean Iran is not complying with the provisions of the treaty... of course they're in compliance... however, the other member nations of the panel would like to address some more issues involving your compliance with you.'
After all, THEY define the terms and THEY make the rules as they go.
As with so many United Nations treaties and resolutions, CRPD will mean whatever THEY say it means on any given day, and our children and grandchildren will be left with no national sovereignty... no individual liberties... and a wreaked economy... reduced to serfdom under the iron fist and the autocratic rule of those who despise freedom, liberty, and most of all, us... but it doesn't have to be that way. We can put a stop this menace today.
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Did You Know That The Promotion Of The Radical Worldwide Abortion Movement Goes Hand In Hand With Safeguarding The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities?
Article 25 of the CRPD which addresses issues of "Health" states that the "State Parties" are mandated to "take all appropriate measures" to ensure those covered under the treaty have access to "gender-sensitive" health services... and "free or affordable health care and programmes... in the area of sexual and reproductive health..." (that's UN-speak for state-mandated abortion).
And if you believe that we're exaggerating; consider what happened when Senator Marco Rubio actually introduced an amendment to the CRPD in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which simple stated:
"The United States understands that the phrase ‘sexual and reproductive health’ in Article 25(a) of the Convention does not include abortion, and its use in that article does not create any abortion rights, cannot be interpreted to constitute support, endorsement, or promotion of abortion, and in no way suggests that abortion be promoted as a method of family planning."
ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. Chloe Cooney with the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) probably shrieked as she wrote: "These extreme views in opposition to women’s rights and U.S. participation in the global community only succeed in marginalizing a bipartisan effort like the [CRPD],"
Senator Barbara Boxer hypocritically admonished Rubio: “No senator in my view should use any international treaty to push his or her views on an issue that isn’t part of this treaty.”
Did you catch that? The United Nations is advancing a treaty that allegedly attempts to safeguard the innate and inalienable rights of persons with disabilities and interjects the promotion of abortion into the document THROUGH THE USE OF CODE WORDS; and when a Marco Rubio sought to clarify that the treaty on the rights of the disabled "in no way suggests that abortion be promoted as a method of family planning," Barbara Boxer and her denizens of the Left accused RUBIO of interjecting HIS "views on an issue" into the debate.
By the way, the Democrats and the RINOs on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted Rubio's amendment down. That's why we need 34 Senators to stand firm in their opposition to this dastardly treaty.
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And Did You Know That Our Children Have The "Right" To Sexual Gratification From The Moment They Emerge From The Womb And This Disability Treaty Is Going To Enforce That "Right" Too?
As Farris, one of the nation's leading homeschool advocate states: "Should the government’s assessment of the child’s best interests differ from that of the parents, the government gets to make the decision, not the parents."
DeMint says: “We’re afraid that if the language suggests that parental authority is not absolute, we’re going to have an international body telling our parents they can’t homeschool."
But what DeMint and Farris don't address is that the dangers posed by this treaty to your children and grandchildren are far worse because the UN believes that children have "sexual rights."
Article 23 of the CRPD, deceptively and ironically titled, "Respect For Home And The Family" mandates that children have "access to age-appropriate information, reproductive and family planning education are recognized, and the means necessary to enable them to exercise these rights are provided.”
And what the United Nations typically means when it uses the term "age-appropriate" in reference to "reproductive and family planning education," doesn't mean what you think it means... at least not to far too many United Nations officials and NGOs.
One of the good-guys, Family Watch International, a NGO that attempts to prevent some of the more radical anti-family notions that come out of the United Nations from ever seeing the light of day, tells us about the term "age-appropriate:"
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Remember the reports of UN officials operating child sex rings in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Sudan and Guinea and other countries? Remember the reports of UN officials using a ship charted for 'peacekeepers' to traffick young girls from Thailand to East Timor?
Well... under the terms of the treaty, the United States Government will be mandated to enforce the dissemination of "age-appropriate information" and "reproductive and family planning education" to your child, whether you, as the parent, like it or not. It's your child's "right."
After all, your "age-disabled" five-year old child has a "right" to "sex education." Your five-year old has a right to gratifying relationships... and if you don't like it... tough.
As Senator Boxer would probably say, you won't have a right to "push" your personal "views on an issue that isn’t part of this treaty.”
We say "nuts" to that... our God-given liberties are non-negotiable and it's essential that we communicate that message to our elected officials.
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And Did You Further Know That Population-Control And The Rights Of The Disabled Go Hand In Hand Too?
One example that may already be familiar to you is something called "Agenda 21." If not, a good, hard, look at Barack Obama's Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, John P. Holdren, should more accurately solidify what is meant by "population-based public health programmes" in your mind.
As it turns out, Van Jones wasn't the only "nut" in Obama's inner-circle, and what is probably even more startling is that the United States Senate actually confirmed Holdren.
In 1997, Holdren co-authored a textbook entitled "Ecoscience," which advocated mass sterilization, compulsory abortion, one-world government and the establishment of a global police force to enforce these population control measures... errrr... "rights."
Here are several more of the "greatest hits" from Holdren's tome:
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Heard enough? If so, it's time to take kill this disastrous and tyrannical UN treaty once and for all.
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Floyd Brown
The Center for Western Journalism
42104 N Venture Drive Suite B-122, Anthem, AZ 85086 (202) 370-6366
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