keeping in mind this somber reality confirmed in 2007 by the prestigious
anti-corruption coalition, Transparency International: We have the privilege of closing our Campaign Action Watch 2012 by
drawing your attention to an exciting legislative proposal — “The
American Anti-Corruption Act” — and asking that you support it

proponents proclaim that “money in politics” keeps us from building a
better America. For sure, democracy is barely alive and anything but
well given the obscene role of money in American politics. However,
“spreading of the green” (i.e. money) is not always an
immediate obstacle to justice through court proceedings in America.
Whatever may be the problem at hand, NFOJA’s global view remains the
“The rule of law is best preserved in America through
optimal participation by all Americans in lawyer disciplinary matters,
state judicial ethics enforcement, and the general oversight of federal
than pushing for optimal lay control, many grassroots legal reform
advocates seem content to leave America’s legal system intact while
somehow forcing it to produce fair outcomes. This approach emphasizes
police power while NFOJA and its sister organizations strive to optimize
the decision-making and police powers of average Americans with regard to our country’s legal system.
why not include implementation of NFOJA’s proposed “Citizens’ Panel On
Judicial Misconduct Act” and “The American Anti-Corruption Act” among
your highest priorities?
Please don’t wait — act today! Become a NFOJA Ambassador to your state legislature. Click Here to Learn More And to learn more about AACA, Click Here
Visit NFOJA at:
Another Great Site: Legal Online Self Help
Click HERE to learn "How To Win In Court" ... without a lawyer
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Click HERE to learn "How To Win In Court" ... without a lawyer
Another Great Document for Your Library--Now Available
"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.
"Standing in the Shadow of the Law", 4th Ed.

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May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,

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